
How to Customize the WordPress Login Page – No Plugins!

YouTube video

Okay, not a block theme oriented tutorial today, strangely!

It’s straight WP and something that I do quite a bit for my clients. It kind of gives it a little extra sparkle when you hand over a website.

It’s about customizing the WordPress login.

Now, there are a zillion plugins that can be used to customize the login specifically, and there’s also a shed load of other plugins that have that capability on the side.

But here’s the thing, it is incredibly easy to do it yourself with just a little bit of CSS and one simple WordPress function.

And in today’s WordPress tutorial I’m going to show you how to Customize your WordPress login.

Child theme for Block Themes vid is here: https://youtu.be/oRRQQHoP_b4
Code for this vid and other WP goodies here: https://jakson.co/freebies/

00:00 The benefits
00:57 The “how to”
06:25 Up the game!
08:40 Easy as that


#wordpress #blockthemes #pagebuilder #wordpressdevelopment