I recently started this mini series about the “Missing Blocks” in default/core WordPress that should be there for using in Block Themes – first episode is here: https://youtu.be/B0f5vIXPt4I
Episode 1 where I explain why. Essentially there’s a few I agree are defo missing – and some that I believe don’t need to be there.
So this video is about another missing Block and is something that you’ll find in every single Page Builder out there and yes, this is one that I totally agree should be in core blocks.
It is… the “Icon Block’ – nowhere to be seen! Yeah you could use transparent images and do much of what you may want to do with Icons but you can’t do things like set its colour in the editor (your image would need to be the correct, fixed colour) or do things like change its colour on hover state or some other conditions.
So let me introduce you to the fabulous and free “Icon Blocks” plugin created by the prolific block theming guide Mr Nick Diego – I’ll show you how to use it, settings etc, some standard use cases and a few more creative uses.
Plus, stay tuned till later in the video where I’ve got a Bonus Missing Bock for you! It’s 2 for 1 today folks!
So let’s go – another missing block, sorted with the fabulous “Icon Blocks”
Plugin is here: https://wordpress.org/plugins/icon-block/
Left Sidebar Block Theme build is here: https://youtu.be/MvMun-V9XCs
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#wordpress #blockthemes #pagebuilder #wordpressdevelopment
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